On the Application Rights tab, you assign application rights to user groups. All the members of the group have the rights assigned to that group.
All groups in the list have rights to access the application. Only when an employee is part of a group displayed in the list, he or she will be able to start the application. You can use the Add User Group button and the Delete User Group button to enable or disable users in a group to use the application and its functions.
For every group, you can define the rights to the functions of the application. A group can either have no permissions to use a function or the permission to view, change, add or delete data. If an employee is part of several groups, the highest rights prevail.
Assigning Rights to User Groups
Number of Users
On top op the Application Rights tab, the number of users of the application is displayed. The number of users (Used licenses) is the sum of unique users of the groups in the Application Rights list. The total is the number of available licenses a company has.
Resetting PIN code
If a user has forgotten his or her PIN code, click the Remove PIN Code button to delete it. After that, the user will be able to reset the PIN code: the next time the user logs in to SFC, he or she will be asked to enter and then confirm a new PIN code.