Isah origin
When a purchase order is imported into Isah using Supply Chain Management, purchase order lines are given new numbers in Isah, in accordance with your system settings. However, Isah saves the original order line number (given by the customer) in the Isah database. Isah puts this customer order line number in the Referenced purchase order line reference, so the customer can easily see which order line the invoice refers to.
In the order message sent by the customer, this order line number can be found in the node 'cac:OrderLine/cac:LineItem/cbc:ID'.
If the original purchase order was not imported with Supply Chain Management, the Referenced purchase order line reference is not used in the invoice message.
Referenced purchase order line reference type: en:DocumentReferenceType
An identifier for a referenced line within a purchase order, issued by the Buyer.
Data type
XML binding