If you have selected a user in the Application Rights tab, you can assign user specific rights to the user. Only when the focus is on a user, the tab will be displayed; when a group is selected, the tab is invisible.
This is the date the employee was registered to use Isah TR. If you enter a start date, it might be replaced by another date: usually by the date of the monday of the week the entered date is in, except when the entered date is earlier than the contract start date. In that case, the date of the monday of the week the contract start date is in will be registered.
Employees need to have a start date, so Isah TR knows how far back the week reports can go when checking for unvalidated weeks. From the time registration start date to the current date, every week needs to have an hour report that gets validated when the week ends. Unvalidated past weeks will be shown every time a user opens the app.
Note: If you change the time registration start date to a future date, past week reports won't be lost, but it will be impossible to change or validate them.