This setting determines which production orders can be chosen to register hours to in Isah Time Registration. Only production orders with a status in the configured range(s) can be seen and entered in the Production order field.
Note: It is not possible to show production orders with a 'History' status in Isah TR.
If you leave this setting empty, the production order field shows all production orders (except the historic ones) and employees can select them to register their hours to.
Note: This setting also indirectly affects the visibility of other data in Isah Time Registration, such as the customers, sales offers and orders. Only items connected to at least one production order with an approved status will be shown. For instance, you will not be able to see or select a customer without a production order within the configured range.
This setting contains the hour codes from Isah, sorted by group. Hour codes define a type of activity, for instance 'Man hours', 'Meeting' or 'Holiday'. Only hour codes you have selected here will be visible in Isah TR and are available for time registration in the app. If you want all hour codes to be visible in Isah TR, leave this setting empty.
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