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Isah Supply Chain Interface Service

Supply Chain Integrator is used to send electronic messages to other companies in the supply chain, such as purchase order messages, sales order messages and invoices. This can be done by attaching these messages to an email, but a more direct approach is also possible: communicating through web interfaces. These SCSN web interfaces receive and send messages on your system's behalf and can even import incoming messages directly into your ERP system.

To make use of a web interface for your electronic messages, install:

Check your technical and Isah supply chain settings for completeness.

This documentation describes how to install the Isah Supply Chain Interface Service and how to work with it if only one of the parties involved has a web interface.

You can skip these steps if you intend to send your SCSN messages to your relations another way, for instance via e-mail.

In this folder

Installing the Isah Supply Chain Interface Service

Installing URL Rewrite

Installing IIS Application Request Routing

Installing .NET Core Runtime

Installing Microsoft Message Queue

Isah Supply Chain Interface API

Working with the Isah Supply Chain Interface Service

Technical documentation is only available in English