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Isah Supply Chain Interface: Manual

After you have installed all necessary programs, your Supply Chain interface becomes available. You can access it by opening your browser and typing its address, which is [hostname:port], for instance 'localhost:3098'. When in doubt as to what the address is, you can open your website via Internet Information Services (IIS):

  1. Open the IIS app on your computer.
  2. In the left panel, open the folder that contains your websites.
  3. Find 'Isah Supply Chain Interface Webapplication', or, if you have given it a different name during the installation process, the name you have given your website.
  4. Right-click the website name and select Manage Website, Browse.

IIS will now open your website for you. You will need to enter a password to access it. For first use, this password is IsahAdmin, but you will need to change it immediately so the site stays secure. You will receive a prompt to change your password as soon as you log in for the first time.

In this folder




Additional information

Technical documentation is only available in English