As-built structure
Activate this field if you want an object's as-built structure to be updated immediately when a part of the object is replaced during service work. If this setting is active, employees who issue parts while working on an object will be able to register if the part is a replacement, and if so, which part in the object's structure it replaces. As soon as they register which part they are replacing, the object's as-built structure is updated with the new information.
If this setting is empty, employees can still issue the parts they use, but they cannot tie them directly to the object's structure.
Use structure of object to replace
This setting only applies if Update as-built structure is active. If you update an as-built structure during parts issues, the part you use as a replacement can be an object and have an object structure as well. Activate Use structure of object to replace if you want the object structure belonging to the replacement to be copied into the structure of the main object you are working on.