This setting determines how many tasks (operations) are loaded in the MFS overviews per page. Performance increases if MFS loads fewer tasks per page. If you jump to a new page in the list of tasks, MFS retrieves the next batch (with the same number) of tasks.
Service order defaults
Sales order line status, Production order status, Capacity group
If a service message in Isah MFS gets changed into a service order, Isah creates:
To be able to do this, Isah MFS needs default values for a number of obligatory fields in these forms. Use the Sales order line status, Production order status and Capacity group fields to specify the following values:
Operation statuses
Use the fields under Task Statuses to determine which Isah statuses correspond to the listed MFS statuses visible in the tasks overviews. Some statuses, such as 'Planned' and 'Accepted', are mandatory. The other statuses may be left empty, and if they are, they will be disabled in MFS.
It is not possible to assign the same Isah status to more than one MFS status.
Please note: Only tasks with a status specified in one of these fields will be visible in MFS. In addition, the production order they belong to needs to have a status that is within the range specified in the Production order statuses field.
Customer validation
Hide time registration, Hide part issues, Hide general entries
When work for a service order is done, it can be signed for by the customer. Before the customer places a signature, Isah MFS shows a summary of the service order details. Standard, all parts issued for the order, all hours registered to the order and all costs registered to the order are displayed for the customer to see. If you want one or both of these items to be hidden from the summary, activate the relevant field.