Production orders
Use the range in this field to determine which production orders are eligible for display in MFS. From these production orders, only operations with a status corresponding to an MFS operation status (see the fields under Operation statuses) will be shown in the operations overview. An employee will only see the operations if they are assigned to them (field Employee in the operation line).
Note: The Sales types and Capacity groups filters also determine whether or not a service task is visible in Isah MFS.
Tip: If you want to avoid non-service tasks showing up in Isah MFS, create specific production order statuses, sales types and capacity groups for service orders. Set these statuses, sales types and capacity groups in the Production order statuses, Sales types and Capacity groups filters to make sure no other tasks find their way to Isah MFS. If one of the allowed sales types is used in a sales order and, subsequently, a production order with the right status and capacity group is created to execute the service task, you will see this service task in Isah MFS. Production orders based on other statuses, sales types and/or capacity groups are filtered out, giving you a clearer view of current tasks.
This setting determines which production orders will be seen as service tasks for Isah MFS. Only production orders based on a sales order with the sales type(s) you specify here will be shown in Isah MFS (if the capacity group and production order status also fall within the allowed set). If you don't want to limit the production orders shown in Isah MFS, choose 'Show all sales types'.
Note: Sales types is not the only setting limiting the service tasks shown in Isah MFS. Make sure the filters Production order statuses and Capacity groups are set correctly as well.
Tip: If you want to avoid non-service tasks showing up in Isah MFS, create specific production order statuses, sales types and capacity groups for service orders. Set these statuses, sales types and capacity groups in the Production order statuses, Sales types and Capacity groups filters to make sure no other tasks find their way to Isah MFS. If one of the allowed sales types is used in a sales order and, subsequently, a production order with the right status and capacity group is created to execute the service task, you will see this service task in Isah MFS. Production orders based on other statuses, sales types and/or capacity groups are filtered out, giving you a clearer view of current tasks.
Parts issues
This setting determines which warehouses will be visible in Isah MFS. Only warehouses specified here can be used for unplanned part issues.
This setting determines which production order lines will be seen as service tasks for Isah MFS. Only production order lines containing a capacity group you specify here will be shown in Isah MFS (if the sales type and production order status connected to the task also fall within the allowed set). If you don't want to limit the production order lines shown in Isah MFS, choose 'Show all capacity groups'.
Note: Capacity groups is not the only setting limiting the service tasks shown in Isah MFS. Make sure the filters Production order statuses and Sales types are set correctly as well.
Tip: If you want to avoid non-service tasks showing up in Isah MFS, create specific production order statuses, sales types and capacity groups for service orders. Set these statuses, sales types and capacity groups in the Production order statuses, Sales types and Capacity groups filters to make sure no other tasks find their way to Isah MFS. If one of the allowed sales types is used in a sales order and, subsequently, a production order with the right status and capacity group is created to execute the service task, you will see this service task in Isah MFS. Production orders based on other statuses, sales types and/or capacity groups are filtered out, giving you a clearer view of current tasks.
Specify which operation statuses are considered 'history' statuses. This setting is used as a filter for the Historical service tasks form in Isah MFS.
This setting defines the kinds of costs that the user can register in MFS (i.e. parts of the 'Cost' type). Only types of costs you have selected here will be available in the app.
Messages and actions
This setting contains message type groups from Isah. Message type groups are categories of message types. Only message types belonging to the groups you have selected here will be visible in Isah MFS when you add a Relationship management message.
If you want all message types to be visible in Isah MFS, leave this setting empty.
This setting contains the action type groups from Isah. Action type groups are categories of action types. Only action types belonging to the groups you have selected here will be visible in Isah MFS when you add a Relationship management message.
If you want all action types to be visible in Isah MFS, leave this setting empty.
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