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Order response

This section describes what happens in Isah when you import an order response received from your supplier. In your system, the purchase order will be confirmed.

For validation checks that Isah uses to see if the message can be imported, see Checks made when importing an order response.

Relevant nodes

<cbc:ID> </cbc:ID>

<cbc:SalesOrderID> </cbc:SalesOrderID>

<cbc:IssueDate> </cbc:IssueDate>

Sales order ID

SalesOrderID is put in PurchaseDocument.VendRequisitionRef.

Even if importing the order response is unsuccessful, Isah will put the sales order ID in the Order reference field of the purchase order. The reason for adding the sales order ID even if the response is not imported, is so the purchasing party will have their suppliers sales order ID to refer to in future communications.

Issue date

IssueDate is put in PurchaseDocument.VendConfDate.


Promised period, End date will be put in PurDocPartReceiptScheme.SCSNPromiseDate and in PurDocPartLine.ReceiptDate


Other data in the order response is only used to verify that all items in the purchase order (customer, supplier, ID's, parts etc.) are correct. If the supplier has changed the delivery schedule and this change was sent in the order response, this will not be visible in the customer's purchase order.