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Order line


Please note: Nodes for the delivery location are not included here, as this data will not be used in your sales order. Isah will retrieve the relevant address from your database.



<cbc:ID> </cbc:ID>

<cbc:Quantity unitCode=" "> </cbc:Quantity>

<cbc:LineExtensionAmount currencyID=" "> </cbc:LineExtensionAmount>


<cbc:ID> </cbc:ID>

<cbc:Quantity unitCode=" "> </cbc:Quantity>


<cbc:EndDate> </cbc:EndDate>




<cbc:PriceAmount currencyID=" "> </cbc:PriceAmount>

<cbc:BaseQuantity unitCode=" "> </cbc:BaseQuantity>

<cbc:PriceType> </cbc:PriceType>


<cbc:ChargeIndicator> </cbc:ChargeIndicator>

<cbc:Amount currencyID=" "> </cbc:Amount>




<cbc:Description> </cbc:Description>

<cbc:Name> </cbc:Name>


<cbc:ID> </cbc:ID>



<cbc:ID> </cbc:ID>






The ID is registered in the sales line (DossierDetail.SCSNOrderLineId) for matching purposes. Isah will create your company's sales line number for the order (DossierDetail.DetailCode) using DefaultValue.IncrementDetailCode.


The SellersItemIdentification is used as DossierDetail.PartCode. This code needs to exist in your database. The BuyersItemIdentification needs to be registered in Part.CustPartCode, but is not used on the sales order line.

Isah puts Part.Description in DossierDetail.Description. The item's descriptions (ItemName and ItemDescription) in the order message are not used.


The quantity is put in DossierDetail.CalcQty.


Isah checks the price on the order message with the price in your parts archive:

Exception: Prices do not need to match if Customer.SCSNIsDifferentPriceAllowed is active.

Discount/Order line total amount

Isah does not put a discount on the order, but calculates a net sales price in which discounts or surcharges are included.


Isah will create the order message delivery lines in the delivery schedule. The total amount to be delivered (Quantity) will be put in DeliveryLine.Qty. The date (RequestedDeliveryPeriod) will be put in DeliveryLine.PlanDelDate.