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Installing a test environment

If you want to install a test environment for your application, you need to configure a test database in the Isah License Server:

  1. Start the Isah License Server.
  2. Go to Tools module, Options
  3. Open de Databases tab.
  4. Click add to add the database that will be your test database or click edit to change the environment for a registered database.
  5. In the Environment type field, select 'Test'.
  6. Save your changes.

If you connect the Isah Supply Chain Message Service with this database during installation, you are automatically working in a test environment. This will be clearly visible in both the Isah logo and the messages in your Supply Chain Interface.

If the Isah Supply Chain Message Service has already been connected to a database and the database's Environment type is changed to 'Test' afterwards, restart both Isah and the Isah Supply Chain Interface to activate the test environment for both applications.