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Combining SCI with Multicompany

If you work with both SCI and Multicompany, register all companies from the Company details form in the Companies form in the General Settings module, as well. Both tables are necessary for the combination to work.

Purchase orders

When inserting a purchase order in Isah, Multicompany will ask you for the financial administration (company code) the transaction has to be booked in. Isah will look up the customer code connected to this administration, and search for it in the Companies form. It will then register the financial administration (company code) this customer has in the Companies form.

When you send the purchase order to your supplier using SCI, Isah will use the company code that was registered in the previous step to find the customer code in the Customers form. SCI will then find the SCI identification data registered to this company and use it in the message that is sent to your supplier.