It is possible to register a stock transaction in January which actually took place in the preceding year. If you want the transaction date in Isah to match the actual stock transaction date in preceding year, you need to carry out the following actions.
Select the part concerned and click the Stockbutton.
Create a new stock line to correct the original one. This line should contain the same data as the original stock line; however:
Enter a negative quantity that counterbalances the quantity specified in the original stock line.
Assign the 'Inventory correction negative' status to this stock line.
Specify a stock date in the past that does not match the stock date of the original stock line. It must also differ from the actual transaction date. If, for example, the original stock line specifies the quantity '100' and the transaction date '21-11-2013', enter the quantity '-100' and the transaction date '22-11-2013' in your new stock line.
Create another new stock line:
Enter the actual new stock quantity.
Enter the actual date on which the transaction took place. Note that the transaction date cannot match any of the transaction dates mentioned in the original stock line and the negative stock line.
Assign the 'Inventory correction positive' status to this stock line.
Note the stock status of the original stock line.
Delete the original stock line and the negative stock line. The new stock line will replace these lines. Re-assign the original stock status to the new line.
Open the Journal entries form to check the journal entry with the transaction date as created by carrying out this procedure.
Carrying out the steps specified above ensures a correct historic stock valuation, since the actual transaction date, the date of the new stock line and the date of the accompanying journal entry all match each other.