Use this field to assign a feature group to the part. An example is the feature group 'Car', which includes the characteristics of a car, such as color, or power. When you specify this feature group for a part, and then select the Add feature group features to part features check box, the group features will automatically be copied to the part. This feature saves you the time of having to manually enter all features for similar objects.
Note: If you change the feature group, the changes will not be applied to the part features of the parts that have been assigned to the group. If you create a new object and assign the changed feature group to the object, both the features belonging the old feature group and the features belonging the new feature group will be copied to the object. Any features that are not relevant can then be deleted manually.
Add feature group features to part features
If this check box is selected, the features are automatically copied from the feature group to the part.
The Classification subform lists all classification features that have been assigned to the part. These features may have been assigned to the feature group, or to the individual part (using the Features button). Configuration features are not displayed.
To display only the classification features that have been specifically assigned to the part, and are therefore not inherited from the feature group to which the part belongs, open the View menu and select Only show part features.