Change actual values

KPI lines can be created automatically.

You can also create the KPI lines manually using the Change actual values process, which allows you to create the exact set of lines of which you want to track the data. This may be a time-consuming process, however, if you are working with multiple periods and divisions and subdivisions. For instance, to display the monthly turnover for four part main groups, you will have to create 48 lines (12*4).

Manual entry can be useful if the actual values are unpredictable, for example if you have to enter the number of FTEs required during a particular period. You may find out later that a large number of temporary workers have been hired to fulfill the orders.

Some values cannot be filled in automatically, because the data required are not available in Isah. In those cases, you will have to enter the values manually. For the KPI 'Market Share', for example, you would fill in that the market share was 13% in the first quarter.