Filtering by using the filter form

Sometimes it is more practical to display only a selection of data. Use the filter form to specify the conditions for the data selection on the List tab, to display only customers from New York or Chicago, for instance. The formatting definitions determining which cells or rows will be highlighted are saved on a per-preset and per-user basis.

You can define filters and save them for later use.

To use a filter in a list, you can:

Available actions

The following actions are available for filters:

Tip: Open the View menu and select Show filter box to display the active filter on the status bar: Status bar filter



Defining conditions

To define the conditions for the data selection, do the following:

  1. Click Filter and choose Add condition.
  2. Then choose the field you want the condition to apply to, and specify the condition, for example 'Town/city equals New York'.
  3. To add another condition, click Click here to add a condition.

    Choose 'AND' if the data must meet all conditions. Choose 'OR' if the data should meet at least one condition, for example if you are looking for customers from New York or Chicago: 'Town/city equals New York' OR 'Town/city equals Chicago'.

  4. To combine mandatory and optional conditions, click Filter and then choose Add group. For example, to search for customers in New York or Chicago who have a sales employee called Johnson, type the following: 'Town/city equals New York' OR 'Town/city equals Chicago' AND 'Sales employee equals 0026' (where '0026' is the employee code of sales employee Johnson).