0055 Basic data - Revision management

Use this tab to configure how part revisions will be used within your company.

Note: Set your choice before you start working with part revisions, and do not change it afterwards. Changing it would have major implications for your accounting records. If you want to change the field setting anyway, please contact Isah first.

If you have rights to part revisions, you can choose to manage your part revisions formally or informally. To set your choice, select the Part revision management check box or leave it empty.

Part revision management check box left empty

If you leave the Part revision management check box empty, there will be no formal management of part revisions, but the following options are available for working with part revisions:

Consider the following when choosing to work without formal part revision management:

Part revision management check box selected

Select the Part revision management check box to use formal part revision management. For part revision management it is essential that released revisions remain intact, so they can be retrieved in their original state. This means you are not allowed to change any fields in released revisions that are relevant to the revision; dimensions are relevant to a revision, but the warehouse location, for instance, is not. The calculation of the last non-released revision can be changed, however. You can do so by:

The fields that are relevant to the revision are configured in the Fields triggering part line copy when changed window. Click the Change button and select the Fields triggering part line copy when changed check box for all revision-linked fields. The fields you specify here can only be changed in a non-released part revision.

When you change a revision-linked field, a copy of the part line is created when you save the data. The end date of the original line will then become equal to the date of the previous revision. The copy will be assigned a new line code, will retain the same position, and will be valid from the start date of the last revision.


The Part field is a revision-linked field. Part A has a released revision '000' and a non-released revision '001'. The part calculation has a line '10', position 10 with part B.

You select revision 001 and change the part into 'part C' (you are not allowed to change the calculation of revision 000). When you save the data, Isah creates a copy of the part line: line 20, position 10, part C.

Tip: You are recommended to select at least the following fields in the Fields triggering part line copy when changed window if you are using Part revision management: LineNr (line), PartCode (part), Qty (quantity), Length, Width, and Height.

If a company follows the Form, Fit, Function (FFF) principle, revisions are interchangeable and can be changed in the calculation of a released revision. In that case, RevisionNr (revision number) should not be selected as a revision-linked field.

Consider the following when choosing to work with formal part revision management: