Part stock overview

The Part stock overview shows various data relating to the selected part, including:

Note: This stock overview does not list the stock changes over time. This information is displayed on the Planned stock transactions form.

The following stock properties are available:

  • Not blocked for issues and shipments

    Available for order point method and MRP

This will be true for most stock. This stock can be used for issues and shipments, and is taken into consideration in the requirement calculation based on MRP and the order point method.

  • Blocked for issues and shipments

    Available for order point method and MRP

This relates to stock you want to keep out of the logistic flow for the time being, for example because you want to inspect the parts received before making them available for issues or shipments. These parts are considered to be part of the available stock and are therefore taken into account in the requirement calculation using MRP and the order point method, because they are expected to be part of the stock in the near future.

  • Not blocked for issues and shipments

    Not available for order point method and MRP

This stock can be used, but is ignored in the requirement calculation based on MRP and the order point method. This is the stock you want to treat differently in your books. Examples are parts that are already present on the shop floor, or parts that are present in a service vehicle.

  • Blocked for issues and shipments

    Not available for order point method and MRP

These parts are kept outside of the logistic flow and the requirement calculation based on MRP and order point method. Examples are rejected parts.

Explanation of terms

Nettable stock:

This is all stock marked as 'Available for order point method and MRP', and therefore includes any blocked stock.

Current stock:

This is the sum of all stock lines of the part.

Free stock:

The basis for the calculation of the free stock is the stock that is freely available. Freely available stock is the sum of the stock lines that are available for the order point method and MRP and that are not blocked. To calculate the free stock, the reservations are deducted:

  • Sales: Sum of the stock requirements based on sales lines ('Order' status type and not complete yet)
  • Production: Sum of the stock requirements based on authorized production part lines ('Stock' origin, not complete yet, part of a production order that has not yet been confirmed as complete)

Economic stock:

The basis for the calculation of the economic stock is the current stock. The reservations are deducted from this stock:

  • Sales: Sum of the stock requirements based on sales lines ('Order' status type and not complete yet)
  • Production: Sum of the stock requirements based on authorized production part lines ('Stock' origin, not complete yet, part of a production order that has not yet been confirmed as complete)

The planned receipts are added to this sum:

  • On order: Sum of all purchase order lines with a 'Stock' destination that have not yet been received
  • In production: Sum of all production orders with a 'Stock' destination that have not yet been received

Reserved by MRP:

This field shows the stock that has been reserved by authorized part lines of production files with an 'Offer' status type, created by MRP.