Synchronize engineering/production

Use the Synchronize engineering/production process to synchronize an engineering item with the production file to which it is linked. If required, you can have any underlying engineering items, parts, calculation lines and/or memos, texts and documents copied during the synchronization.

You control the time of synchronization. For example, you could synchronize once the design has been released by the engineer. The Engineering structure and Production structure forms shows the differences between the engineering item structure and the production file structure.

Use the Use net sizes and Use position number options on the Engineering form to configure the synchronization.

For a successful synchronization, the following conditions must be true:

To create, change or delete production BOM lines, the following conditions must be true:


Memos, texts and documents are copied from:

Note: When creating a new engineering item revision, the engineering BOM and any links to a production file including a calculation are copied. Authorized lines are not copied, however. During the next synchronization, any new lines will be created instead.

Note: If an engineering item is linked to multiple production files, use the following procedure to synchronize the engineering item with those production files: In the Production file or Production order field, select a production file (the default production file is suggested by default), and click the Apply button. To synchronize another production file, repeat the Select and Apply steps. Click the OK button when you have reached the last production file.