Capacity overview

View this information when you open the capacity overview from the Info menu on the Project lines - planning form

Tip: View the instructional video to see the features of the capacity overview. To start this video, click More insight into capacity.

The Capacity overview form shows a graphical overview of the capacity group load. You can check the overview to identify any bottlenecks in the planning. If you detect any problems, you can solve them by rescheduling operations on the Operations planning board.

The data in the capacity overview originate from several forms:

The form only displays the load for operations that meet the following conditions:

The data displayed relate to the period shown on the Period toolbar.

Showing capacity groups or employees

Use a preset to set the data to be displayed in the graph:

Distinguishing load percentages

The load percentage is displayed on the right-hand side of the form. The load by capacity group is displayed over time. You can distinguish the different load percentages in the graph by assigning different colors to the percentage ranges on the Capacity overview settings form.

Customizing the display of the capacity overview

You can customize the display of the Capacity overview form to suit your information needs. To do so, use the Gantt chart properties form (View menu > Gantt chart settings > Properties) and/or use the toolbars on the Capacity overview form.

You can configure the following settings: