Use the Service contracts form to register and manage service contracts. A service contract serves as a master contract for underlying service contract versions. The Service contracts form is used to register only general contract data and conditions, such as:
The customer with whom you are entering into the service contract.
The status: Is it still an offer or is it a contract yet?
The term of the contract
The duration of the service contract versions
The method of extending contracts, increasing prices, etcetera.
The underlying service contract versions are the actual contracts specifying the level of service, including conditions and costs.
There are two service contract types:
Contract: Service contracts of the 'Contract' type serve as an umbrella contract for contract versions in which you record object-specific contract conditions for a customer.
General terms and conditions: Service contracts of the 'General terms and conditions' type are used to define general terms and conditions for an object group. You can define general service conditions regarding response time, availability of engineers, call-out charges, rates, etcetera.
By default, the data you register in the service contract will be copied to the underlying contract versions. When running administrative processes, such as canceling or extending contracts, you can choose to run these processes at the level of the contract, including all of its underlying contract versions. You can also choose to only update individual contract versions, for example when certain administrative changes do not apply to all underlying contract versions.
This field shows the offer code of the service contract. If you first want to make an offer for a service contract, add a new service contract in the regular way. Then assign a contract status of the 'Offer' type. The system will assign the contract an offer code. The contract versions subsequently added to the contract offer will also automatically be assigned an 'Offer' status.
At a later stage, you can create a service contract from the offer by changing the contract status to 'Order' or 'Actual costing'. At that point, a service contract code will be assigned.
Using a default preset on the Service contracts form, you can display all offers for service contracts.
This field shows the type of service contract. There are two possible contract types:
Service contracts of the 'Contract' type serve as an umbrella contract for contract versions in which you record object-specific contract conditions for a customer.
General terms and conditions:
Service contracts of the 'General terms and conditions' type are used to define general terms and conditions for an object group. You can define general service conditions regarding response time, availability of engineers, call-out charges, rates, etcetera.
A contract of the 'General terms and conditions' type can have underlying service contract versions, but these contract versions do not allow you to register any specific objects to which the contract version applies. This means that you cannot register preventive maintenance or an invoicing schedule either. Service contracts with general terms and conditions can be linked to object groups on the Object groups form.
The contract status indicates the phase the service contract is in, such as 'Offer', 'Order', 'Actual costing' or 'History'.
If you first want to make an offer for a service contract, add a new service contract in the regular way. Then assign a contract status of the 'Offer' type. The system will assign the contract an offer code. The contract versions subsequently added to the contract offer will also automatically be assigned an 'Offer' status.
At a later stage, you can create a service contract from the offer by changing the contract status to 'Order' or 'Actual costing'. At that point, a service contract code will be assigned.
Note: A service contract with an 'Offer' status can only contain service contract versions with an 'Offer' or 'History' status. A contract with a 'History' status can only contain contract versions with a 'History' status.
Note: Service contract versions with an 'Actual costing' status cannot be extended. Use this status to cancel contracts that must be effective until the end date but are not to be extended after that date.
The debtor in the contract is the preferred debtor for the underlying service contract versions. This means you can specify an alternative debtor in the contract version.
This field shows the duration of the service contract. Depending on the settings chosen in the next field, you record the duration in your chosen unit, such as days or weeks.
This is the end date of the service contract. If the contract does not have an end date, or if the end date is not yet known, enter '12-31-9999' as the end date. As a result, the end date on the form will remain empty. If you do not fill in a date, however, the field is considered to have a date before the start date, which makes the contract invalid.
Use this field to specify how the service contract versions that belong to the service contract can be extended.
The contract versions cannot be extended.
After consultation:
On the expiry of the term of a contract version, you must first consult the customer about extending the service contract versions. Once you have done so, the contract versions can be extended one by one.
You can extend the versions without consulting the customer, and you extend them by running the Extend service contract versions process. This will automatically extend all service contract versions of service contracts that have been set to 'Automatic extension' and of which the contract period is expiring.
Use this field to specify the extension period of the service contract versions belonging to the service contract. When service contract versions are created, they will have this term by default. The extension period is added to the start date, in order to calculate the end date. Depending on the settings chosen in the next field, you record the duration in your chosen unit, such as days or weeks.
Use this field to specify the cancellation notice period for the service contract versions belonging to the service contract. The notice period is used to calculate the latest cancellation date for the versions. To calculate this date, the notice period is subtracted from the end date. Depending on the settings chosen in the next field, you record the duration in your chosen unit, such as days or weeks.
Use the Price increase field to specify the price increase that must be applied when the service contract versions belonging to the service contract are extended. You can choose from the following options:
No price increase will be applied when the service contract versions are extended.
When running the Extend service contract versions process, you specify the percentage by which the price of the service contract versions must be increased.
Use the Increase field to specify the fixed percentage by which the price of the service contract version must be increased upon extension.