Run the Create stock counts process to perform periodic stock inventories. This allows you to compare the physical stock with the administrative stock, and to make corrections where necessary, to ensure that the physical stock and the administrative stock match.
For the parts included in the selection specified on the Create stock counts form, stock count lines are created on the Stock counts form. These lines show the stock details as currently registered in Isah, including warehouses, locations, and quantities. Compare the lines with the actual stock, and then correct, authorize and process them where appropriate.
Tip: To start taking stock counts, you are recommended to specify the broadest selection on the Create stock counts form. This will give you a good basis for synchronizing your physical and administrative opening stock.
Note: Once a stock line of a part has been added to a stock count line, the stock line can no longer be changed or deleted in the Parts module. This means that this stock will not be available for stock transactions, such as receipts, issues and shipments. The stock will not be released until the stock count line has been authorized and the stock count has been processed. On the Stock form, you will find the Stock count check box. If this check box is selected, the stock in question has an open stock count with a stock count line that has not yet been authorized and processed.