The Liquidity forecast form shows the result of the Create liquidity forecast process. This form allows you to view the liquidity data and to modify them where required. If required, you can manually add liquidity lines to display other expenses or revenues.
Liquidity forecasts give you an insight into the expected money flows of customers and suppliers, enabling you to take timely action to balance your income and expenditure.
The liquidity forecast is based on:
Up-to-date data from Isah:
Current sales orders: the sales sums, including VAT, of all sales lines not yet invoiced
Planned periodic invoices: the planned period sums, including VAT
Current purchase orders: the purchase order sums, including VAT, of all purchase order lines without a purchase invoice
Up-to-date data from your financial application:
Outstanding accounts receivable
Outstanding accounts payable, including provisional open items
Bank balances
Manually entered data affecting future cash flows
Tip: Once you have created the liquidity data, you can plot the data over time using the pivot table functionality.
This field shows the date on which the process that applies to the type is expected to take place. For the 'Period' type, it will be the process of sending a periodic invoice.
This field shows the date on which the process that applies to the type will take place at the latest. This is the processing date plus the number of days specified in the payment conditions.
If the due date is not met, fill in the date you expect the date the process applicable to the line type will take place. This means you can fill in a date that is different from the official due date.
This is the database the data originate from. You can use scripts to collect liquidity data from multiple Isah versions and financial databases. This allows you to generate a holding-level view of the liquidity position.