Undo journal entries export

Run the Undo journal entries export process to roll back the export of journal entries. To undo the export of a particular export, select the relevant export number. Confirm to undo the export. The result will now be displayed on the Journal entries form: the export number has been reset to '0', and the check mark has been removed from the Exported column.

When the export of journal entries is undone, the action is registered in the log, and information such as the selections used during the process is saved.

Note: Any journal entries already imported into your financial application are not deleted from your financial database as a result of the Undo journal entries export process. This means that when you re-export the journal entries, the process may create duplicate journal entries in your financial application.

Correcting an aborted export

If the export of journal entries was aborted before the process was complete, Isah will encounter the outstanding data the next time you try to export them. A message will appear on the screen: 'The export of journal entries has been blocked, because the journal entries are already being exported.'

If you encounter this after an earlier export generated an error, you can resolve this by using the Undo incomplete export option on the Undo journal entries export form. This option is available at the bottom of the Undo journal entries export form if an incomplete export was detected. Select the Undo incomplete export option to release the blocked export. You can now perform the export as usual.

Note: Do not select Select export number to undo. This option undoes the most recent successful export operation. Also, no further adjustments are made in the financial application, which may result in duplicate entries during the next export operation. You can only delete these duplicates manually.