You can choose the order of tabs on a form. Both default tabs and custom tabs can be reordered. To move the selected tab one position to the right, click 'Move to right' in the right-click menu. To move the selected tab one position to the left, click 'Move to left'. To be able to change the order of tabs, you need at least View rights to the tab controls.
You can also drag a tab to another position: select the tab and hold the left mouse button while you drag the tab to the position of your choice.
Note: By dragging a tab and releasing it inside the form (between the tab titles), you change the order of the tabs. If you release the tab outside the form, the tab is placed outside the form. The cursor changes when you drag the tab outside the form.
To restore the original tab order, execute the Delete user settings process with the Order option selected.
Tip: If you click or
on a form to add or change a line, the General tab is displayed automatically, so you can immediately start entering data. To display a different tab instead, for example your own General tab, move your tab immediately to the right of the default General tab, and then hide the default tab (see Hide, Unhide: Hiding and unhiding a tab).