Hiding tabs

You can choose to hide any tabs you are not using. If, for example, you have placed all the fields that are relevant to you on a custom General tab, you could hide the default form tabs. To unhide tabs, do the following:

  1. Open the right-click menu and choose 'Set visibility'.
  2. Specify which tabs you want to hide.

Here you can also unhide any tabs you have hidden previously. To restore the original form with visible tabs, you can also execute the Delete user settings process with the Visibility option selected.

To hide a tab, you need at least View rights to the tab controls.

Warning: You should hide a tab only if you are sure it only contains fields that you do not need or fields that are also present on a custom tab. If, for instance, a mandatory field is available only on the General tab, and this tab is hidden, you will not be able to fill in this mandatory field. You can fill it in only after you have unhidden the tab again.