Use custom tabs to adapt forms to your way of working. You can add custom tabs to entry forms and configure the layout of those tabs yourself. To make a custom form layout, do one or more of the following:
Add all fields available on a particular form that are relevant to you to one or more custom tabs. This way, you will minimize the navigation between tabs and you will be able to see all the fields at a glance.
Position fields on a custom tab and change the field sizes
Create common tabs for use throughout your company. These tabs are managed by an application administrator on the Custom tabs form. The application administrator also chooses which users have rights to the tabs. It is possible to add fields that originate from tabs that the users are not allowed to open. If these users have the appropriate rights to the custom tab, those fields will still be available to them.
Create personal tabs. These tabs are the tabs you manage and use yourself. You can add fields from all tabs to which you have the appropriate rights.
Creating, changing, deleting, copying and managing custom tabs, depending on rights.
You can change the order of all tabs, and you can hide tabs to show only the data you are interested in. You can also place a tab outside the form to allow you to view data from multiple tabs and change the data where necessary.
Filling a custom tab
You can fill your own custom tab with fields that are available on other tabs of the form, and with custom fields. To fill the custom tab, enable the Edit mode by right-clicking and choosing 'New' or 'Change'. The work area of the custom tab is now shown. On the right-hand side of the form you will see the Field chooser subtab, containing all standard fields of the form, as well as custom fields. The Field chooser only shows fields to which you have the appropriate rights, and it does not contain any fields from the List, Texts or Gantt chart tab. The standard fields are grouped by tab, and then by group box, showing the tabs and group boxes the different Description fields belong to. The custom fields are arranged alphabetically.
The Field chooser shows the tabs in the order in which they appear on the form. It shows the group boxes of each tab, and their corresponding fields; their order matches the order on the tab (roughly from top to bottom and then from left to right).
Group boxes without a title are displayed in the Field chooser without a name. There may also be fields without a field description, such as a second address line, a description, or a cell in a table. For fields, however, the technical name is always displayed in the Field chooser. This name is usually the same as the field description on the tab. This is not the case for composite field descriptions, for instance: the fields belonging to the field descriptions Start and end dates may appear as separate fields (Start date and End date) in the Field chooser.
Tip: To see which field corresponds with the field name in the Field chooser, drag the group box or tab to which it belongs to the work area. For example, if you are creating a custom tab on the Production files form, and drag the PR/AC cost price difference tab to the work area, the column and row titles will help you work out which fields they are. Then remove any unwanted fields from the custom tab, and move the fields you do want to another group box using a cut-and-paste operation.
To learn how to fill a custom tab, refer to the information below.
To add form components from the Field chooser to the custom tab, do one or more of the following:
Double-click the form components. The fields will be neatly arranged and placed around any fields already present. If you select a group box or field in the work area, the form component is placed underneath the group box or field. If nothing is selected, the form component will appear in the upper left corner of the work area.
Drag the form components to the work area. The field or group box is dropped where you release the mouse button.
If you have selected a group box, then all fields and descriptions within that group box will also be placed in the work area. You can add fields to the group box and you can remove fields from the group box. If you have selected a tab, then all group boxes, fields and descriptions of that tab will be placed in the work area, and you can add and remove components.
When a field is added, the field description is placed in front of a field only if the 'Including field description' check box is selected. If the original description is retained, a translation will be shown automatically if the user language changes and a translation in that language is available. When you change the description or add your own description from the Field chooser, this description will never have a translation displayed.
Use the alignment, equal distribution and other icons to position the fields to suit your needs.
Fields of the Selection form type
For every custom field of the Selection form type, there are always two fields with the same name available in the Field chooser: one field with the code (), and another field with the name or description of the selection form (). Each of them can be added to the tab individually. In the code field, use to display the selection form; the name or description field is informative and cannot be changed.
Tip: If you have added both fields, including the field name, and want to show the field name just once, click a field name and then right-click to remove it.
To have more flexibility in grouping fields, add an empty group box. This will allow you to group standard fields from various tabs or a set of custom fields. Follow these steps:
Double-click 'Group box' in the Field chooser. If a group box has been selected in the work area, the empty box is placed underneath the selected group box. Otherwise, the group box is placed in the upper left corner of the work area. Alternatively, drag the empty group box to the work area.
Add a title, if necessary (see 'Adding or changing descriptions').
If you are adding a group box from the Field chooser, the descriptions of the fields and the title of the group box will be retained. When a separate field is placed onto the work area, the corresponding description is included only if the 'Including field description' option is selected.
If group boxes or fields no longer have a description (or never had a description), you can add a description:
Double-click 'Text' in the Field chooser. If a group box is selected in the work area, the text is used as a title in the top-left corner of that box. If a field is selected, the description will be placed to the left of the field. If no form element is selected, the description will appear in the upper-left corner of the work area. Alternatively, drag 'Text' to the work area.
Change the text in the Description field on the Text tab on the right-hand side of the form.
Press Enter to apply the change.
To change custom or default descriptions:
Click the group box or field for which you want to change the description.
Change the text in the Text field on the Properties tab.
New and changed descriptions are never translated automatically.
With the Edit mode enabled, you can use the TAB key to navigate the fields on the form. When you add a tab or group box from the Field chooser tab to the work area of a custom tab, the order in which the fields are tabbed through will be retained (from top to bottom, from left to right). If you add fields, or move fields, group boxes or other items, however, the tab order may change. You can change the tabbing order on the Properties tab to suit your needs.
The items available in the Tab order list depend on your selection:
If you click in or on a group box in your work area, you will see all fields in the group box.
If you click outside of a group box or if you have not selected anything, you will see all group boxes and separate fields that are not in a group box.
The form components are shown in their tabbing order. To change the order, click or , or drag the form component to the position of your choice.
To change the size and position, you can use the mouse or the Properties tab. The tab allows you to enter exact values, so you can make precise adjustments. You can also use this tab to enter texts and to set the tabbing order for form components.
Sizes and positions
Select one or more form components for which you want to set the size and position, such as a set of fields or a group box. You can adjust the displayed size and position of the selected form component. If more than one form component is selected, you only see their common values. If, for example, the selected fields all have a height of 23 pixels (like all input fields in Isah), but different widths, only the height is displayed and the Width field will be empty. Enter the values all form components should have in common. Press the Enter key to apply the changes to the work area.
The size and position are expressed in pixels. If, for example, the position of a selected field is 10 pixels from the left-hand side, and 8 pixels from the top of the custom tab, the value of the Left field is '10' and the value of the Top field is '8'. The size and position values must be greater than zero, and the entire form component must fit inside the work area.
Use the Text field to change texts or to add texts to form components. You could, for instance:
Specify a title for a group box
Change a field description
Add informative text, etcetera
To change text, select one form component in the work area, for example a field description, and change the text in the Text field. Once the change has been applied, the text will no longer be translated if the user language changes.
To add text to a form component:
On the Field chooser subtab, double-click 'Text', or drag the text to the work area (see also 'Adding or changing descriptions').
On the Properties tab, enter the description, title or text in the Text field.
Use the alignment icons to ensure that your form components have the same position or size. For example, to align all fields within a group box at the left:
First select the form component that has the position or size you want. The position or size value of this form component determines the position or size for all other selected fields, group boxes, etcetera. The component that serves as the model for the other components can be identified by the different selection handles: . The other selected form components look like this: .
Hold down the CTRL key while you select all form components you want to have the same property as the component you selected first.
Click the icon to copy the property from the model form component to the other form components. See the table below for information about the icon functions.
Alignment icons
Click the Align left icon to align the left edge of the selected form components with the left edge of the form component you selected first.
Click the Align right icon to align the right edge of the selected form components with the right edge of the form component you selected first.
Click the Same height icon to match the height of all selected form components to the height of the form component you selected first.
Click the Same width icon to match the width of all selected form components to the width of the form component you selected first.
Click the Align bottom icon to align the bottom edge of the selected form components with the bottom edge of the form component you selected first.
Click the Align top icon to align the top edge of the selected form components with the top edge of the form component you selected first.
Click the Center icon to center the selected form components around the imaginary vertical line running though the middle of the form component you selected first.
Click the Align center icon to center the selected form components around the imaginary horizontal line running though the middle of the form component you selected first.
Click the Distribute horizontally icon to position the selected form components at equal horizontal distances. At least three form components must be selected.
Click the Distribute vertically icon to position the selected form components at equal vertical distances. At least three form components must be selected.
Options for tabs
There are numerous options for managing and using regular tabs and custom tabs. Most options are available by right-clicking the title of a tab.
The Edit mode should not be enabled on the form on which you want to create the custom tab.
Click 'New' in the right-click menu. A new tab is added as the last tab of the form. The Edit mode is enabled automatically, so you can start filling and arranging the work area straight away.
Save the data by clicking above the Field chooser tab, and then click to exit. Alternatively, click to cancel your changes.
A new tab will automatically be assigned a title in the user's own language. The title will consist of the word 'Tab' in the user's language, followed by the next available number, for example: 'Tab 2'. By clicking 'Change title' in the right-click menu, a form will open in which you can enter a different title.
To change the title of a personal tab, you only need Edit rights to custom tabs. To change common tabs, you need at least Edit rights to common tabs.
Application administrators can change the title of a custom tab on the Custom tabs form. You can open this form by selecting the 'Manage' option in the right-click menu.
The Edit mode should not be enabled on the form from which you want to delete the custom tab. To delete a custom tab, click 'Delete' in the right-click menu. To delete a personal custom tab, you only need Delete rights to custom tabs. To delete a common tab, you need at least Delete rights to common tabs.
Application administrators can delete a custom tab on the Custom tabs form. You can open this form by selecting the 'Manage' option in the right-click menu.
This will open the Custom tabs form on which you can manage custom tabs. On the form from which you want to open the Custom tabs form, the Edit mode should not be enabled.
You can choose the order of tabs on a form. Both default tabs and custom tabs can be reordered. To move the selected tab one position to the right, click 'Move to right' in the right-click menu. To move the selected tab one position to the left, click 'Move to left'. To be able to change the order of tabs, you need at least View rights to the tab controls.
You can also drag a tab to another position: select the tab and hold the left mouse button while you drag the tab to the position of your choice.
Note: By dragging a tab and releasing it inside the form (between the tab titles), you change the order of the tabs. If you release the tab outside the form, the tab is placed outside the form. The cursor changes when you drag the tab outside the form.
To restore the original tab order, execute the Delete user settings process with the Order option selected.
Tip: If you click or on a form to add or change a line, the General tab is displayed automatically, so you can immediately start entering data. To display a different tab instead, for example your own General tab, move your tab immediately to the right of the default General tab, and then hide the default tab (see Hide, Unhide: Hiding and unhiding a tab).
You can choose to hide any tabs you are not using. If, for example, you have placed all the fields that are relevant to you on a custom General tab, you could hide the default form tabs. To unhide tabs, do the following:
Open the right-click menu and choose 'Set visibility'.
Specify which tabs you want to hide.
Here you can also unhide any tabs you have hidden previously. To restore the original form with visible tabs, you can also execute the Delete user settings process with the Visibility option selected.
To hide a tab, you need at least View rights to the tab controls.
Warning: You should hide a tab only if you are sure it only contains fields that you do not need or fields that are also present on a custom tab. If, for instance, a mandatory field is available only on the General tab, and this tab is hidden, you will not be able to fill in this mandatory field. You can fill it in only after you have unhidden the tab again.
If a custom tab has a default field, a message may, in exceptional cases, be displayed saying that the field is no longer available. This may be the case, for example, if the default field is no longer available in a new Isah release, or if the field has been moved to another default tab. You can remove the message from the custom tab and add the default field again (if it is still present on the form). If you do not have the appropriate rights to change the tab, please contact your application administrator.