
Shop Floor Control can be configured to support your specific workflow. For this, use the Settings tab in Shop Floor Control Configuration. Click Save settings to keep your changes.

Please note: It is possible to exit the Settings window without entering a value in a required field, but this may result in error messages in SFC. Please make sure all fields marked as required have been filled before exiting the Settings window.


Production identified by

Operation filter

Maximum number of operations

Show operations in progress

Production order statuses

Operation statuses

Minimum material availability

Minimum progress of previous operations

Operation horizon (days)

Department filter

Department selection

Action and message type filter

Action type group selection

Message type group selection

Failure filter

Failure group selection


Memo field editable


Machine editable

After reporting quantities in production

Create production receipts

Issue backflush materials

Process parts issues

Process manual parts issues

Issue purchased materials

Issue produced materials


Create or change clusters


Use document permissions from Isah


Use SFC to manage presence at logon

Login with code required

External login allowed


Automatic logoff working hours tables

Check presence/absence in schedule

Margin (hh:mm) for presence

Check time registration with presence

Margin (hh:mm) for time registration

Hour group selection


Status of unplanned operations

Working hours table

Machine working hours table

Machine, labor, labor + machine hour codes

Default values for operation times