New sales overview

The new Sales overview form shows a wide range of information about sales offers and orders. The presets of this form replace some of the Crystal Reports reports. You can display detail information using Lookup, and you can create your own overviews by using the standard list functions and reporting options.

Intake overviews

The 'Order intake' and 'Offer intake' presets show the sales value of sales files for a particular period. It gives sales employees an insight into the values and quantities of the orders and offers that have been issued.

The new settings available for the sales status, Impact on offer intake and Impact on order intake, allow you to specify whether the sales value of a sales line affects the intake overviews. You could, for instance, decide not to include a possible offer in the offer intake before the customer has actually requested an offer. You can also reduce the order intake when an order is canceled. This will give you an accurate picture of the offer and order intake.

To view all value changes for a sales line, refer to the new Sales value log form.