New cluster/Cluster


To create a new cluster, open the Operations form, select the line you want to add to a cluster, and then click the Cluster button. The selected line will automatically be part of the new cluster, and you can then add more operations to the cluster on the New cluster form.


To edit an existing cluster, open the Operations form, select a cluster line, and then click Cluster. All operations in the selected cluster will be displayed on the cluster form. You can then add operations to it or remove operations from it on the Cluster form.


The operation of the New cluster form is the same as for the Cluster form.

Note: To be able to add or edit clusters in SFC, your company must have configured the configuration tool accordingly and you need rights to clusters.


When you create a new cluster, SFC suggests a description, which you can change, if necessary.

Adding a line

Use the add button to add new lines to the cluster. To do this, select one or more operations and click Add operations to cluster.


Click the Recycle Bin for an operation line to delete the line.
Note: If a cluster does not contain any lines, you cannot save the cluster.


Click this button to undo the changes. You can undo changes until you click Save cluster.

Save cluster

If you exit the form without saving your changes, the changes will be lost. Click the Save cluster button to implement your changes. The changes will also immediately be saved to Isah.

Note: It is not possible to change clusters that have processed hours.