The Operations form lists the operations that can be started and the operations that are currently in progress. The list is sorted by priority. You cannot change this sorting order; the order is set in the SFC configuration tool. Use filters to reduce the selection of the operations displayed.
The columns display more information about every operation, such as:
If this icon is displayed in the Started column, the operation has started, or was started at some point and was then stopped, but not yet finalized. Finalized operations will be removed from the form immediately. |
If the In progress column is empty, the operation has not started, or was started and was then stopped without being finalized. If the column contains the icon you see here, a machine is working on the operation. If you see a photograph of an employee, then that employee is working on the operation. |
The color in the Material column indicates whether the materials required for the operation are available. The material with the lowest availability determines the color. Two color boxes in the Material column signify a cluster. The first box indicates the material availability for the line, and the second box shows the material availability for the cluster as a whole. The number in the cluster box indicates the number of operation lines in the cluster. |
Starting an operation
Use the Times box to specify a valid combination of 'Labor/machine/Labor+Machine' and 'Setup time/Adjustment time/Cycle time'.
Select an operation and click this button to start an operation. |
When you start an operation, the next form is opened. There are two possible scenarios now:
Note: An employee can have only one current operation at a time. The 'Start operation' button is not available if a current operation is registered to your name. It is always possible, however, to start a machine operation. The reason is that machine operations are only registered to machine hours, and not to labor hours.