Sort order

The settings on this tab determine the order in which SFC shows the operations in the Operations, Current cluster, Current machine operations and Overview of ongoing operations form. The criteria that are being used are in the right column. Exclude criteria by moving them to the left column. To influence their relative importance, the criteria you include in the right column can be arranged in a different order.

Press the Default sort order button if you want to restore SFC's standard order settings.

If you do not determine your own order of preference, SFC uses the following criteria, sorted by importance from 1 to 9:

  1. Start date

    An empty start date is seen as most important. After that SFC sorts on date (the sooner the date, the higher the operation will be on the list).

  2. Status based on previous operations

    Green (ready) and white (no previous operations) are considered most important and are treated equally. Yellow (started, produced quantities registered), orange (started) and red (not started) operations can be filtered out using the Minimum operation progress field in the configuration settings.

  3. Number of unfinished previous operations

    The more unfinished previous operations there are, the lower the position of an operation on the list.

  4. Material availability

    Green (available) and white (no material needed) are considered most important and are treated equally. Yellow (partly available) and red (not available) material can be filtered out using the Minimum material availability field in the configuration settings.

  5. Priority

    Operations with a priority assigned to them are always more important than operations without a priority value. Within priorities, higher priorities lead to a higher position on the list.

  6. Number of remaining operations

    The more remaining operations there are, the lower the position of an operation on the list.

  7. Remaining operation time

    The more remaining operation time there is, the lower the position of an operation on the list.

  8. Production order code

    If SFC encounters criteria that are equal, it will sort on production order code and line number.


Label is a field you can use to add your own method of sorting, if the standard methods don't meet your requirements. You will find it in the left column of the Sort order tab, because it is not a standard sorting field for SFC.

If you want to use the Label field, go to the Production calculation for operations form in Isah. Here, you can fill in the appropriate information for every operation. To be able to see it in SFC, use the column picker to add it to your SFC forms.

Move it to the right column of the Sort order tab to include it in Isah's sorting method.

Note: The Label field is alphanumeric. If this field is used for numbers only, it will be sorted numerically. If you use only letters, it will be sorted alphabetically. If the field holds both numbers and letters, numbers will come before letters.