
The personnel calender is a graphical overview of the capacity by employee by day/week. The notification actions are the plan lines in the calendar. This gives you a quick overview of the times at which particular engineers are available for service work.

For example, you can keep records of your appointments. Visits from engineers must be entered as actions. The personnel calender does not allow you to change or add any data.

The personnel calender is used to schedule employees. This means that if you want to re-schedule a scheduled service, you will have to create a new action for the employee.

Before displaying the calendar, choose a preset to specify the actions and employees you want to display. A number of tabs are available on which the data can be shown by day, weeks, or a range of days.

To view additional calendar information for selected employees, use the Action chart form.

Calendar presets and flexible search paths

You can open the calendar using the presets 'Default engineers' or 'Default engineers by district' if the Assign to field has been filled in on the Service notifications form in the Service module (Actions button). In this case, flexible search path 8 is used. In this search path, record the logic for the engineers you will employ for a job. You can distinguish between customers, skills (in the form of service types), objects, object groups, and more.

The presets allow you to use not just skills, but also the existing geographical classification based on districts. By linking this information to the Calendar form, you will have all information you need to schedule employees:

The value of the Date field is determined by the system date.

Understanding and using flexible search paths