Create shipping notes

Use the Create shipping notes process to register shipments of parts. The data on the shipping note can then be used to create sales invoices. The data recorded in shipping notes include:

Tip: You can choose how you want shipping notes to be created: you could create a new shipping note for every order, or you could include multiple orders on a shipping note. Use the Create shipping note setting on the Customer tab of the Default values form to indicate your choice. If a different setting applies to a specific customer, modify the field on the customer's Customer card.


Shipping notes can be created only if:


The shipping notes created are displayed on the Shipping notes form (Shipping module). During the execution of the process, the following changes are made automatically:

Note: If the shipped parts have a 'Stock' origin, the stock is transferred using the Create shipping notes process. If the origin is 'Purchase' or 'Production' in combination with 'WIP location', the stock is transferred during the Process shipping notes process.