Offer to order
When SCI automatically changes an offer into an order, the sales status on the order line(s) will be changed into the status you specify here. You can only enter sales statuses of the 'Order' type in this field.
If this field is empty and SCI tries to change an offer into an order, an error will appear.
Change messages
The statuses under Change messages are settings for the functionality which allows your customers to change their sales orders via SCI. If any one of these fields is empty, your customers cannot change their orders through SCI. If all fields all have a value, SCI will use these values to allow or decline changes and to set order line statuses to a new status after a change made by your customer.
When an XML message with changes to an already registered sales order arrives from your customer, you can't always accept these changes; for instance, when production has started, but your customer requests a significant change to the product. In the field Allow changes for you can specify which sales order statuses still allow changes to the sales order via SCI.
The Status for updated order lines will be preselected and can't be unselected; for order lines with this status, changes are always allowed.
Note: You can only enter statuses of the 'Offer' or 'Order' type.
Status after declined change request
If a customer tries to modify a sales order line with an SCI message, but the sales order status (Allow changes for) does not allow this, the change request will be rejected. In these cases, Isah will change the sales order line status to the status you have specified in Status after declined change request. This is a signal to you that the customer tried to change the order line, but was unsuccessful.
Status after declined delete request
If a customer tries to delete a sales order line with an SCI message, but the sales order status (Allow changes for) does not allow this, the delete request will be rejected. In these cases, Isah will change the sales order line status to the status you have specified in Status after declined delete request. This is a signal to you that the customer tried to delete the order line, but was unsuccessful.
Status for updated order lines
If a sales order line has been changed by an incoming XML message from the customer, Isah will change the sales order line status into the status you specify in this field. This will allow you to keep track of changes made by the customer.
Note: You can only enter statuses of the 'Offer' or 'Order' type.
If a sales order line has been added to an order by an incoming XML message from the customer, Isah will give the new order line the status you specify in this field. This will allow you to keep track of order lines added by the customer.
Status for deleted order lines
If a customer sends an XML message to cancel an order line on a sales order, Isah will change the status of the canceled order line to the status you specify in this field. This will tell you that a customer has canceled (part of) an order.
It is logical to enter a 'History' type status in this field. A status of any other type will keep the order line visible for credit limit checks, and canceled order lines should no longer have these financial consequences.
Purchase order statuses
Status for canceled order lines
Specify which status signifies that a purchase order line is canceled. If you send an XML message to a supplier and one or more lines have the status you specified here, SCI will mark them as 'canceled', so your supplier knows that the lines are no longer valid.
The status must be of the 'Order' or 'History' type. It is advisable to choose a status with a high number, because purchase order statuses in Isah can only move upwards, not back.
Deviating prices
Status for order line with deviating price
If you want to accept sales order messages from your customers even though the price of the articles in their order message is different from the price listed in your database, set a status for order lines with deviating prices here. This will enable you to keep track of sales orders you still need to evaluate, and your customer will not have to resend their order message with a corrected price.
Note: Orders with deviating prices will only be accepted if the Isah setting Allow deviating price is active for the customer in question.