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Project lines - financial

Use the Project lines - financial form to retrieve detailed information for the project selected on the Projects form. The information on this form relates to the financial data of the project.

Any changes made on this form are also visible on the corresponding lines on the Project lines - planning form. It is the same form, the only difference being that the Project lines - financial form focuses on financial information, and the Project lines - planning form relates to the planning data.

Note: The Project lines - financial form does not allow you to add lines or to make changes to the project structure, because the project structure is defined on the Project lines - planning form. The financial control form is designed solely for keeping track of and controlling the financial data of the project.


Use the list form on the Project lines - financial form to generate various financial overviews. Many of the settings will have to be configured only once, because your form settings are saved automatically.

To change the data on the list form, you can use presets, filters, conditional formatting, group functions, column functions, and more. To print overviews, use the print preview to check your data and change them where necessary before actually sending the data to the printer. Your print preferences are also automatically saved for future use.

Presets on the Project lines - financial form

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