Use the Projects form to manage your projects. You can view and change general project data and add new projects. To retrieve detailed project information, or to change data, click the appropriate buttons on the projects form.
Project lines allow you to add more levels to your project. You could, for example, use them to add subprojects or activities that must be executed for the project. The form has two buttons for managing project lines: Project lines - planning and Project lines - financial. They both open the line form, but they each have their own data focus. Use Go to to switch from one line form to the other.
You can link a project or project line to a file, such as a sales file or a production file (Link type field and Order link button). The costs and revenues of the structure as a whole can then be calculated, which will give you an overall view of the project and its components.
Use the Settings menu to configure additional project settings.
Presets on the Projects form
The processes within the module
For a more high-level view of the processes in the Projects module, including information about entering a new project and calculating costs and progress, see the Help in the Processes folder > Projects section. The section explains the different principles and calculations, and provides various project planning scenarios.
Tip: Watch the video Setting up projects quickly in Isah to learn how you can quickly enter, structure and plan a new project.