The Projects module provides functionality for planning projects and monitoring the time and costs of these projects.
Setting up projects
When you start creating a project, you first determine the size of the project. You translate the tasks required for creating a product or rendering a service into different types of tasks within the project. These tasks are phases or subprojects subdivided into activities. These phases, subprojects and other elements are defined on underlying project lines. For every line you indicate the line type.
You then use the project lines to plan your project and to record and manage the costs and revenues. These two aspects of the projects – the time planning and the financial planning – each have their own forms. Each of these forms provide a different perspective on the project's project lines, to keep the data transparent for both disciplines.
You can assign milestones to a project to mark important moments within a project, for example the end of a phase. You can also register the employees involved in a task.
Monitoring projects
During the course of the project you monitor the planning and the financial progress. You monitor the progress on a continuous basis:
Managing projects
If you have identified any bottlenecks, or once more accurate estimates become available, you adjust the planning.
After a task or an entire project has been completed, you finalize it. Once the status 'Finalized' has been assigned, the task can no longer be rescheduled or changed.
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