In all Gantt charts in Isah, you can right-click to open the Gantt chart properties form. This form is also available from the View menu (Gantt chart settings, Properties).
When you open a Gantt chart, you can use a preset to specify which data you want to be displayed. The next steps are to choose a timescale, for example 'Year/month', 'Year/week' or 'Month/week'. The timescales can be selected from a list box on the toolbar above the Gantt chart. You need to select a timescale before adjusting the properties of the Gantt chart on the properties form. Many of the settings are specific to a particular timescale, which means that if you change the timescale, you will have to configure those settings again.
The user settings for each timescale are saved automatically, so you only have to set the timescale properties once.
Tip: The Gantt chart properties form has four tabs: Timescale, Matrix, Bar text and Headers and footers. The settings you specify on the Matrix tab apply to all timescales on the Gantt form; the settings of the other tabs apply to the scale that is active when you specify the settings.
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