This is the commencement date of the service contract version. By default, the start date is copied from the parent service contract, but you can change this date. The date range of the contract versions must lie within, or be equal to, the range of the service contract. The term of validity of the service contract version is calculated automatically based on the extension period specified in the service contract. Contract versions belonging to service contracts of the 'General terms and conditions' type may not overlap.
This is the end date of the service contract version. By default, the end date is calculated by adding the extension period to the start date specified in the parent service contract, but you can change this date. For instance, if the extension period is one year, the contract end date is automatically set to one year after the start date.
The date range of the contract versions must lie within, or be equal to, the range of the service contract. The term of the objects you are servicing under the service contract version must be between the start date and the end date in this period.
Contract versions belonging to service contracts of the 'General terms and conditions' type may not overlap.
This field shows the last date on which the customer can terminate the contract. The default date is the end date of the service contract version minus the notice period specified in the parent service contract, but you can change this date.
The latest cancellation date is relevant when extending contract versions that belong to service contracts that can be extended automatically. One of the conditions for extension is that the latest cancellation date must be in the past.
Select this check box if this service contract version relates to a warranty. Then use the Conditions tab of the service contract version to enter the actual warranty conditions. Warranty provisions that are linked to a specific period within a service contract version can be transferred seamlessly to a version without a warranty.
The contract status indicates the phase the service contract version is in, such as 'Offer', 'Order', 'Actual costing' or 'History'. The following processes can be run only when the contract version has an 'Order' or 'Actual costing' status.
Note: A service contract with an 'Offer' status can only contain service contract versions with an 'Offer' or 'History' status. A contract with a 'History' status can only contain contract versions with a 'History' status.
Note: Service contract versions with an 'Actual costing' status cannot be extended. Use this status to cancel contracts that must be effective until the end date but are not to be extended after that date.
The sales type set here is used as the default sales type for service orders created from a preventive maintenance line.
Sales types can be used when linking Isah to a financial application; ledger accounts can be controlled using sales types.
If the service contract version was not entered manually, but created as the result of the extension of another service contract version, this field shows the relevant service contract. Once a version has been extended, it cannot be extended again.
Corrective maintenance
If you select this check box, corrective maintenance will also be included in the service contract version, in which case failures will be covered by the contract version. This allows you to easily differentiate between contract versions for preventive maintenance and contract versions for corrective maintenance. In case of service notifications for corrective maintenance, only contract versions that are 'Including corrective maintenance' will be retrieved.
This is the default sales type used on a service order for corrective maintenance that is created for the service contract version (as a result of a service notification, for instance), and on the corresponding invoices.
If you leave this field empty while the Including corrective check box is selected, the sales type specified in the notification type of the notification will be used on the service order and the corresponding invoices.
You can use this mandatory field to specify an alternative debtor for a service contract version. The invoices will then be made out to this debtor.
In this field, select the payment condition for the service contract version. When a service order is created for the service contract version (for instance, for preventive maintenance), this value will be used as the default value on the service order and the corresponding invoices.
In this field, select the delivery condition for the service contract version. When a service order is created for the service contract version (for instance, for preventive maintenance), this value will be used as the default value on the service order and the corresponding invoices.
In this field, select the currency for the service contract version. When a service order is created for the service contract version (for instance, for preventive maintenance), this value will be used as the default value on the service order and the corresponding invoices.
This field shows the contract value of the service contract version, exclusive of any discounts granted. It is the sum of the fixed and variable costs to be invoiced. You can use the Calculate contract sum process to calculate the contract sum. By default, the contract sum is calculated as follows:
Use the Contract conditions/costs form to register additional costs to be invoiced, such as call-out charges, for individual service contract versions. Two prices can be specified (both of which can be entered, if desired):
When recording contract conditions/costs, you can use the basic conditions/costs you have registered on the Conditions/costs form.
Note: When you add a new conditions/costs line, the values of the Contract sum and Order line price fields will be calculated automatically based on the start date of the selected contract version.
The contract sum including discount (if any) is shown in the Contract sum to invoice field. The sum that will actually be invoiced is displayed in the invoicing schedule underneath the objects below the version. If required, you can manually change the calculated contract sum. The difference will automatically be shown as the discount sum.
To use alternative calculations for the contract sum, you can use a script. This script can be entered in the Contract calculation script field on the Servicetab of the Basic data form.
This field shows the date on which the value in the Calculated contract sum field was last calculated.
Discount sum, Discount percentage
If, for example, the contract includes a warranty, a discount may be granted. In that case, this field shows the sum that has been granted as a discount.
You can also assign a discount percentage.
This field shows the sum that is to be invoiced after deducting any discount granted. See Calculate contract sum for more information.