Select this check box to mark the invoice for this period as the final invoice for this order or sales line. Do not create a final invoice until all goods have been shipped. If you create a final invoice before all items has been shipped, all previous periodic invoices relating to the order will be credited.
You do not have to fill in a percentage or sum for final invoices. When you create the invoices, the sum outstanding will be calculated automatically. This sum will be calculated based on the quantities already shipped to the customer and the quantities already invoiced. The result could be a negative sum, for example if the quantity invoiced is higher than the quantity actually delivered. In that case, a credit invoice will be created.
When the final invoice is created, the invoicing for the order will be closed, and the turnover will be recorded in the statistics.
The final invoice will state the actual shipments and the invoice codes for the periods already invoiced.
Also see Preview last periodic invoice.
When you are working with periodic invoicing, you can invoice a percentage or a fixed sum for each period. If you choose to work with percentages, you can specify the percentage to be invoiced for the current period in the Percentage field. If you choose to work with a fixed sum for every period, you can enter the sum to be invoiced for the current period in the Periodic sum field. At the bottom of the form, the percentage calculated on the order sum or the sum calculated as part of the order sum will be displayed automatically.
Credit sales invoices can be journalized in a separate day book, using consecutive invoice codes if required. This is obligatory for Belgian companies.
The following settings are relevant to the journalization of credit invoices:
Auto-set credit invoices if invoice sum is negative
By default, separate credit invoices can be created if an invoice recommendation or invoice period has a negative sum. This requires the Negative invoice recommendation/committed period will be credit invoice check box to be selected in the General Settings module (Settings folder, Default values form, Sales tab). When creating an invoice, you can still decide not to create a separate credit invoice by clearing the Credit invoice field.
Consecutive credit invoice numbers
If you want credit invoices to have consecutive invoice codes (not following the sales invoice codes) enter a code in the Credit invoice field ( Codes form, Sales tab). The credit invoice codes will be incremented starting from the code you enter. When you create a new credit invoice, the next code will be assigned automatically. The code on the Codes form is also incremented, which enables you to see which credit invoice has been added last.
Creating separate credit invoices
The way you create credit invoices during the invoicing process depends on the invoicing method chosen.
Creating sales invoices from invoice recommendations
To create a separate credit invoice if the invoice recommendation has a negative sum, make sure the Credit invoice check box is selected there. You can set this as the default by selecting the Auto-set credit invoice when invoice sum is negative check box in the General Settings module (Settings folder, Default values form, Sales tab).
You can also select the Credit invoice check box if the sum is positive, for example to include additional administrative charges on a credit invoice.
If credit invoices are to be created when the invoice sum is negative, the invoice will be converted into a separate credit invoice. The invoice will be assigned a separate credit invoice code if this has been specified on the Codes form. Otherwise, the invoice will be assigned a sales invoice code.
Creating sales invoices from invoice periods
To create a separate credit invoice if an invoice period has a negative sum, make sure the Credit invoice check box is selected there. To use this as the default setting, open the General Settings module, navigate to the Settings folder, open the Default values form, select the Sales tab, and then select the Auto-set credit invoice when invoice sum is negative check box.
When creating a final invoice, you can still decide whether or not to create a credit invoice. To create it, make sure the Credit invoice check box is selected.
A separate credit invoice is created if the Negative invoice recommendation/committed period will be credit invoice check box is selected for the invoice period. The invoice will be assigned a separate credit invoice code if this has been specified on the Codes form. Otherwise, the invoice will be assigned a sales invoice code.
Creating sales invoices from service contracts
To create a separate credit invoice if an invoice period of a service contract has a negative sum, make sure the Credit invoice check box is selected there. To have this check box selected by default, open the General Settings module, navigate to the Settings folder, open the Default values form, select the Sales tab, and make the appropriate selection.
If on the period line it is specified that a credit invoice should be created if an invoice period has a negative sum, a separate credit invoice is created for the period. The invoice will be assigned a separate credit invoice code if this has been specified on the Codes form. Otherwise, the invoice will be assigned a sales invoice code.
Journalizing credit sales invoices in a separate day book
Journal entry categories 102 and 192 are used for journalizing credit sales invoices in a separate day book (Financial module, Basic financial data folder, Journal entry categories form).
102 Credit sales invoices. Link it to the day book to be used for journalizing the credit invoice. The types are the same as those for journal entry category 100.
192 Summary journal entry category 102 for summarizing credit invoices. Link it to the day book to be used for journalizing the summarized credit invoices. The types are the same as those for journal entry category 190.
The new day books are used only if the invoice is a credit invoice and a credit invoice code has been entered (General Settings module, Settings folder, Codes form, Sales tab).
In this field, enter the VAT code applicable to this period.
If you have specified a fixed VAT code for the customer in the Customers module (Customers form, Financial tab), and you have set the Search path field to 'Always customer's financial VAT code', the appropriate VAT code will be used for all invoices sent to this customer.
If you are not using a fixed VAT code, and the Search path field in the Customers module (Customers form, Financial tab) is set to 'Financial VAT code based on search path', you will still have to manually enter a VAT code for periodic invoicing.
At the bottom of the form, you will find the payment condition applicable to the order. You can use this condition, or fill in a different condition for this period.
This is a unique identification of the scenario, for example "RV1" for "Reverse-charged VAT".
This is the order for which the periodic invoices have been created.
This is the payment condition specified for the order. You can change the condition for the individual periods.
Invoicing authorization, Processing date
A period can be invoiced only after it has been authorized (the Invoicing authorization check box has been selected). If you want to send periodic invoices, you need to specify a Processing date as well.
This is the total of all order sums of the sales lines you want to include in the periodic invoices.
Distributed sum, Distributed percentage
The Distributed sum field contains the total sum, and the Distributed percentage field contains the total percentage already specified in periods.
This field contains the total value of the invoice recommendations and invoice lines belonging to the sales lines (of the order) that have been marked for periodic invoicing.
This informational field shows the permitted difference specified in the General Settings module (Settings folder, Basic data form, Sales tab, Periodic invoicing).
Result of order sum and periodic sum difference check
This field shows the type of difference detected, depending on the detection method set for periodic invoicing in the General Settings module (Settings folder, Basic data form, Sales tab), and concerns the difference between the sums of the sales order and the periodic invoices.
Use the Change periodic sums process from the Edit menu to correct any period sums, where necessary.
Also see: Periodic invoices