Order analysis lines

The Order analysis lines form provides detailed information about the selected order analysis.

Sales parts, 'Stock' origin

20269: Available stock insufficient for sales

20271: Planned stock insufficient for sales

20273: Free stock insufficient for sales

20275: Origin is not Stock, but stock is present

Sales parts, 'Production' origin

20277: No production order or incorrect status

Sales parts, 'Purchase' origin

20285: Order too late for sales

20287: Purchase receipt too late for sales

20289: Purchase delivery too late for sales

Production parts, 'Stock' origin

20265: Origin is not Stock, but stock is present

20268: Available stock insufficient for production

20270: Planned stock insufficient for production

20272: Free stock insufficient for production

21307: Too late for production

Production parts, 'Production' origin

20276: No production order or incorrect status

21323: Too late for production

Production parts, 'Purchase'/'Customer' origin

21135: Nothing received yet

20266: Late receipt from customer

20267: Incomplete receipt from customer

20284: Order too late for production

21306: Too late for production

20286: Purchase receipt too late for production

20288: Purchase delivery too late for production

Operations, production

20263: Too late: operation not finished yet

20264: Too late: operation not started yet

20278: Planned start date for production is before the simulation date

20279: Planned start date for sales is before the simulation date

20280: Planned end date is later than required date for production

20281: Planned end date is later than required date for sales

20369: Not scheduled

20371: Overload

Equipment for production, 'Purchase' origin

20290: Not yet ordered

20291: Delivery will be too late

20293: Delivery was too late

Equipment for production, 'Warehouse' origin

20294: Already issued

20296: Scheduled twice

External operations, purchase

21134: Nothing shipped yet

20259: Incomplete shipment

20260: Shipped too late

20261: Receipt incomplete

20262: Late receipt