
The Stock form lists the stock by part. On this form, you can enter an opening stock, and change the stock that is present. For each part, you can specify different stock locations, and you can assign lot numbers and certificates to the stock lines.

The current stock of a part is displayed on the Logisticsand Financialtabs of the Parts form, but cannot be changed on those forms. Changes to the stock are always made on the Stock form. In principle, the stock is adjusted only in a limited number of situations.

Stock deliveries to a customer, issues to production, purchases for stock, and internal production orders intended for stock are automatically recorded from the production modules and the Shipping module. This means that you do not have to manually adjust the stock.


If Isah is linked to financial software, changing stock quantities has financial implications.

Stock can be entered only for purchase parts and production parts. Also, the issue sequence may not be set to 'Do not maintain stock'.

Tip: You can open the Stock form from the Parts module (click the Stock button) and from the Stock module. If you open the form in the Parts module, select the part of which you want to see the stock line before clicking the Stock button. The stock of the selected part will now be displayed. If you open the form in the Stock module, all stock lines for all parts will be displayed.


Reserved for



Stock status


Length, Width, Height


Stock date

Transaction date

Available for order point method and MRP

Blocked for issues and shipments

Stock count