The Revision field shows the revision of the part specified on the selected line. If revisions are not used in your company, the value of this field is always '000'. If you are using part revisions, the current revision is displayed and the date is equal to the start date of the revision.
If on the Sales contracts form a contract has been registered for this customer and this part (indicated by to the right of the field), you can fill in the contract code in this field. Any price agreements included in the contract are copied to this offer or order.
A sales contract for a part or part group can be specified on a sales line only if:
The Price field contains the sales price of the part. When you enter a sales line, the program will automatically search for a default sales price once sufficient information (such as part and quantity) has been entered to perform a price search. If a price is found in the search path, the price will be filled in automatically. This price can be modified, however.
The price unit is filled in automatically if a price has been found in the search path for the sales price. You can modify the field, if required. The field to the left of the Calculation unit field shows the actual calculation unit, for example 'Pieces', 'Kilograms' or 'Box'.
Note: You can still modify the sales price even after invoicing has taken place. For instance, if after a shipping note and a sales invoice have been created, you discover that the wrong price has been used, you can still correct the sales price for any subsequent partial deliveries.
The discount percentage in this field is filled in automatically if a price has been found in the search path for sales prices, or if you fill in a discount sum yourself. You can modify the field, if required. The discount percentage is calculated on the total sum.
The discount sum in this field is filled in automatically if a price has been found in the search path for sales prices, or if you fill in a discount percentage yourself. You can modify the field, if required.
This is an informational field that is calculated automatically based on the price fields above it. You cannot change the field value directly, but you can indirectly modify the field value by changing one of the price fields, such as the Discount sum field.
Note: If the sales line has been marked for cost-plus invoicing, the value in this field is not determined automatically. If a warning icon is displayed to the right of this field, it means that the price has not yet been entered for the sales line. Choose Sales price based on cost-plus specification from the Edit menu to have the sales line price determined automatically.
The VAT code can be entered in a variety of ways. The Financial tab of the customer settings shows how the VAT code is to be used:
Isah searches for the VAT code using the default search path for VAT. |
Isah uses the code you specified in the Code field on the Financial tab. |
You manually enter a financial VAT code on the sales lines for this customer. |
This check box shows whether any price fields have been adjusted manually. If this check box is selected, it means that one or more price fields have been adjusted. If the check box is empty, the price fields still contain the data that were originally found during the search for a sales price.
A sales routing can be used to control the status flow of a sales line.
In the Parts module, a default sales routing can be specified for each part (Parts form, Logistics tab). This default routing is automatically copied to the Routing field on the sales line. The value of this field can be changed only if:
The status indicates the phase the sales line is in, for example the 'Offer', 'Order', 'Production', or 'Purchase' phase. Statuses may be linked to a routing. If in the Routing field a routing has been filled in, the status filled in here must be linked to that routing.
You can change the status of the sales line using the Change status process from the Edit menu.
See also the Sales statuses and Sales routings files.
Note: When you change the status of a sales line, the status of any sublines will automatically change as well, provided that the sublines are for costs having an invoicing method relating to the sales line it is linked to.
This field is filled automatically based on the Pricing based on setting in the General Settings module (Settings folder, Basic data form, Sales tab). This setting can be 'Order date' or 'Shipping date'. If the field setting is 'Order date', the Price date field on the sales line will be filled with the date entered in the Order date field in the file header. If the field setting is 'Shipping date', the date in the Desired shipping date field in the file header will be used.
The price date is relevant for the search path that is checked to determine a sales price (refer to the Help on Price and Calculation unit on the General tab of the sales line). The date is used to determine whether the sales prices found in the search path are valid.
This field can be modified manually. The sales price search path will be checked again, and if a different sales price is found, the price data on the sales line will be modified accordingly.
This field is automatically filled with the currency specified as the Sales price currency in the General Settings module (Settings folder, Basic data form, Sales tab). If no currency has been specified there, the field will be filled with the currency found in the file header.
The price currency specified on the sales line is the currency used to search for an item price in the search path for the sales price (refer to the Help on Price and Calculation unit on the General tab of the sales line). If no price is found for the price currency specified, no price data will be filled in.
You can change the price currency on the sales line in order to have the search path checked again for a sales price in this new currency. If a price is found in the new price currency, this price will be converted into the currency set for the file, and will then be used in the price data.
By default, this field contains the price customer on offer or order level. You can change this value at this level, however. When a price customer has been specified, the price data will be retrieved via the search path determined by the customer concerned. The customer could, for example, have a sales contract, or belong to a group of customers that gets a discount (procurement consortium). In the case of a procurement consortium, you create the procurement consortium as a separate customer, and then enter specific price and discount arrangements and conditions. By referring to the procurement consortium (i.e. the price customer) in the sales order, the alternative conditions will be applied to the sales order.