You can use the Production files form to add production files, to create or change costs calculations, or to schedule operations in a production file, and more. A production file contains the product design of a production part, split up into various cost components. You can display them using the buttons at the bottom of the form: Parts, Operations, Equipment, External operations, and Surcharges.
The Production files form lists all existing production files and production orders in Isah. The difference between a production file and a production order is that a production order has been checked and approved for production.
- Parts can be produced only under a production order.
- Only costs can be posted to production orders.
Production files can be created automatically. They are created whenever a 'Production' origin is specified on a sales line of a sales order:
Tip: If you open this form from the Sales offers and orders form, Go to menu, Production files option, you will initially only see the production files that belong to the selected sales offer or order. You can change the selection by choosing a different preset.
Note: The Production files form allows you to manually add production files. The preset you choose determines whether the new production file will be a stock file or a production file intended for a particular sales offer or order.