Explanation of search path for turnover and costs postings

Sales type

The sales type on the sales order constitutes the first step in the search path. If a ledger account has been entered for the sales type specified on the order, this ledger account is selected.

Product/market combination

If no ledger account has been entered for the sales type, Isah will check whether a product/market combination has been defined that applies to the posting. The offer or order is checked to see to which customer group the customer belongs and to which part group the part sold belongs. If, for this combination, a product/market combination has been defined for which also the relevant ledger account has been filled in, this ledger account will be selected.

Priority: Customer or Product

If no product/market combination applies, or if no ledger account has been filled in for the product/market combination, the rest of the search path is determined by the priority set on the General tab of the Financial form:

Safety net

If no ledger account is found, the safety net accounts will be checked. These accounts are intended to catch postings for which no ledger accounts could be found based on the above search path.

Note: If no ledger account was found in the search path and no safety net account has been set, the posting will not be made.