Use this field to enter a purchase group for the part. Purchase part groups are used to organize parts into groups that are useful from a purchasing point of view.
If you usually purchase the part from one supplier, enter this supplier in this field. This supplier will then be set automatically whenever the part is purchased. The field value can still be modified here.
If the part is a production part made by your company, enter supplier code '99999' in this field. This code refers to your own company.
Note: Your own company must exist under code '99999' in both the Customers module and the Suppliers module.
Tip: To register multiple suppliers and prices, click the Suppliers button.
Supplier part code, Manufacturer part code
Use these fields to specify the identification code the supplier (Supplier field) and the manufacturer use for the part.
Enter the standard delivery time of the part in the field on the left. The delivery time of the part will be taken into account when generating purchase requirements in the Purchase module. If the part is a semi-finished product, fill in the production time in this field.
Note: The delivery time for purchasing purposes is specified in calendar days, whereas the internal production time is specified in working days.
The delivery time is automatically used on purchase contracts for this part. The field value can still be modified here.
Note: Isah takes into account the planning horizon.
The planning horizon is used in the Create purchase requirement for stock parts and Run MRP processes. The planning horizon is a period in the future for which the part requirement is to be calculated. No purchase requirements or production orders are created for the period after this horizon.
If the field value is '0', the horizon that can be specified on the Create purchase requirement for stock parts (To date) and Run MRP (Calculate to) forms will be used for the part.
If you define a planning horizon other than '0', any 'To date' entered on these forms will not be taken into account during the execution of the Create purchase requirement for stock parts and Run MRP processes. The planning horizon has a higher priority in the process than the date.
You are recommended to enter a planning horizon period that is at least as long as the lead time required to produce or purchase the part, and to take into consideration the ordering interval.
The planning horizon less the delivery time must be greater than the ordering interval. If the delivery time of a part is six weeks, and orders are placed once a week, the planning horizon should be set to a minimum of seven weeks.
The maximum delivery time is displayed to the right of the standard delivery time. The Maximum delivery time could show the delivery time you should allow for if you source the part from a different supplier. This field is informational and is not included in the calculation of the purchase requirement.
Enter the buyer that is usually responsible for orders for this part. You can make a selection from your workforce.
You can use this informational field to enter any additional costs. The value in this field has no impact on any Isah processes.
Calculation unit, Calculation quantity
Use the Calculation unit field to specify the unit the price applies to. You can choose from the following options:
This is the stock unit that has been set on the General tab of the Parts form. |
Kilograms |
Square meters |
This is the purchase unit set on the Purchase tab of the Parts form. This option is only available for the calculation unit for the purchase price. |
This is the sales unit set on the Sales tab of the Parts form. This option is only available for the calculation unit for the sales price. |
Once you have made your choice, the calculation unit is displayed in the field to the right of the Calculation quantity.
In the Calculation quantity field, specify the number of calculation units to which the price applies. To specify a price per 100 kg, for example, choose 'Weight' in the Calculation unit field, and then enter '100' in the Calculation quantity field.
This is the standard purchase price of the part. The purchase price is copied automatically to purchase requirements and purchase order lines for this part. The field value can still be modified here.
Note: This field is found both on the Purchase tab and on the Prices tab. A change on one tab is automatically applied to the other tab.
Tip: To register multiple suppliers and prices, click the Suppliers button.
In this case, enter a surcharge or discount percentage. The surcharge or discount sum is calculated on the price entered.
The surcharge/discount is copied automatically to purchase requirements and purchase order lines for this part. The field value can still be modified here.
To specify a surcharge, enter a positive percentage. To specify a discount, enter a negative percentage.
This is an informational field that cannot be modified. This is the calculated purchase price (purchase price including any surcharge or discount). This price is used as the purchase price on purchase requirements for this part. The field value can still be modified here.
Enter a unit code for purchasing purposes. This unit code is used on purchase requirements and purchase orders. If, for example, the unit code is 'Quantity * Length', a quantity and length will have to be specified on a purchase requirement for the part, and no width or height can be entered.
This field therefore directly controls the way in which the part is registered on purchase requirements (and therefore on purchase orders).
Note: If the purchase unit code is different from the stock unit code, you need to specify a conversion value to the right of the Purchase unit field, in order to enable the program to convert values between the two units.
On the General tab, you have defined the following stock units for a part:
m |
Quantity * Length |
You can only order the part in commercial lengths of 6 meters, however. In this case, you should specify the following units on the Purchase tab:
Quantity |
piece |
The purchase unit will therefore be converted as follows: 1 piece = 6 meters
The purchase unit is the default unit used when purchasing parts with the order codes 'In stock' and 'Purchase to order, commercial quantity'. When filling in this field, you can select a value from the list box, or you can enter a unit that is not present in the list box. An example would be the purchase unit 'Box'.
When you purchase the part, the purchase unit (for example, 'Box') is retrieved from the Parts module. The field value can still be modified here. In exceptional cases, you could, for example, order the part in kilograms.
The field to the right of the purchase unit defines the number of stock units one purchase unit consists of. This information is required to convert the different units in other parts of the software.
This informational field allows you to specify the packaging unit of the part. When filling in this field, you can select a value from the list box, or you can enter a unit that is not present in the list box. An example is 'Crate'.
The field to the right of the packaging unit defines the number of purchase units one packaging unit consists of.
The Order quantity field indicates the quantity the part is usually ordered in. This order quantity is entered in stock units, after which they are converted into purchase units.
The order quantity is used when creating purchase requirements for stock in the Purchase module. If a calculation of the requirements shows that the part needs to be purchased, an order suggestion will be generated. The order quantity entered in this field will be used as the quantity to be ordered, for example '5 boxes'.
If one order quantity does not meet the requirement, the order quantity will be increased by the value in the Increment by field until the order quantity is sufficient to meet the requirement.
Note: The order quantity consists of full purchase units, as it is not possible to order half boxes. If the quantity is smaller than the full purchase unit, however, the quantity will be rounded to the next full purchase unit. This means that an order quantity of 40 pieces and a purchase unit of one 12-piece box will result in a purchase requirement for 4 boxes (48 pieces).
Note: If the part is ordered to order, the order quantity specified here will not be taken into account. In this case, the quantity required will be ordered in accordance with the order specification. When ordering to order, the exact quantity of parts will be ordered (in stock units); when ordering by commercial quantity, the requirement is rounded to full purchase units.
This field indicates which order quantity is preferred, for instance because of a price advantage. This is an informational field. If the part is required, the quantity entered in the Order quantity field will be used.
Authorize purchase offer purchase requirement
If you select this check box, any purchase requirements for this part intended for purchase offers are authorized as soon as they are created.
Authorizations enable you to perform checks before data can be processed. To skip this check, use this field to authorize the part in advance. This means that the line will always pass the check.
For both automatic and manual authorization of purchase requirements the following conditions must be true:
Authorize purchase order purchase requirement
If you select this check box, any purchase requirements for this part intended for purchase orders are authorized as soon as they are created.
Authorizations enable you to perform checks before data can be processed. To skip this check, use this field to authorize the part in advance. This means that the line will always pass the check.
For both automatic and manual authorization of purchase requirements the following conditions must be true:
Parts for which this check box has been selected are the only parts for which you register receipts without a purchase order on the Part receipts without order form. These receipts are for goods you receive from your customer in order to include them as components in production or assemblies. This method is primarily used in sheltered workshops.
Note: To receive parts without an order, you are recommended to use the following settings:
Use this field to indicate whether a unit of this part is always used in full. The field is informational, except when you use the Create purchase requirements for stock parts process. If in that case the Whole check box is selected, only full quantities can be ordered.