You can now register the temporary storage of a production part at a work in progress (WIP) location, in order to set it aside for use for a specific production order. To do so, select the relevant option on the Basic data form, and then configure the part for WIP locations by selecting the Active if WIP location check box.
Parts form: You can see whether WIP locations have been enabled for production parts intended for production.
Process production receipts: If a WIP location has been configured for production parts intended for production, the following happens after the process has been executed:
The part quantity received is registered on the WIP location.
If a WIP location has been configured for production parts intended for production, also issue lines with a 'Production' origin and a 'Production' destination are processed.
The part quantity issued is transferred from the WIP location.
For partial issues, the quantity is updated on the WIP location form.
For complete issues, the line is removed from the WIP location form.