
The Actions form displays all or a selection of the actions created in Isah. An action is an activity to be performed by an employee. Examples of actions are making a call, sending out a mailing, holding a meeting, and creating an offer. An action can be linked to a message, such as resolving a reported failure.

As soon as you create an action, it will be added to the overview of actions to be performed. The employee responsible will be presented with a periodic overview of the actions to be performed in the Action reminders pop-up form.

All actions are visualized in an agenda. The calendar shows your own actions, or the actions of other employees.

Displaying a selection of actions

To display a selection of actions, you can click an icon, use the View menu, or use one of the presets or list functions:


At various times, the Action reminder pop-up form shows the employee responsible the actions to be carried out. The Alerts tab shows when the actions are displayed and how you can mark actions as Read.

Linking messages to an action

All messages linked to the action, including the corresponding entities, are displayed in a pane at the bottom of the form. To link messages, follow these steps:

  1. Select the action to which you want to link a message.
  2. Click New (CTRL+N) in the pane at the bottom of the form and select a message or create a message. The message has now been added to the pane containing linked messages.

Note: To see messages with linked entities together, such as the message together with the corresponding customer, sales order and employee, double-click the column title Line.